Series date:
07/01/2024 - 6:00am EDT to 12/31/2024 - 5:00pm EST
Virtual Connection Information:
Microsoft Teams: 1-864-558-9733 | Conference #: Conf#547 404 520#
Series Objectives: This activity is designed to update clinicians on best practices related to movement disorders and specifically atypical movement disorders. Measurement of anticipated change will be through discussion and follow up of presented cases.
Series Target Audience: Physicians, APPs, residents, students, SLPs, OTs, PTs, Home Health
Series Contacts:
Administrative Coordinator: Elizabeth Orr, [email protected], (864) 454-4500
Planning Committee Chairs: Dr. Fredy J. Revilla, Dr. Enrique Urrea-Mendoza.
Series location:
Neuroscience Associates Office (Skype Available)
200B Patewood Drive Suite B372
Greenville, SC
United States
See map: Google Maps