Series date: 
07/01/2022 - 6:00am EDT to 06/30/2023 - 5:00pm EDT

Series Objectives:

  1. Bring residents, students, and faculty together in a collegial environment to learn about hot topics in Emergency Medicine with updates in diagnosis, treatment, and medical research.
  2. Improve healthcare and patient outcomes by assuring Emergency Medical providers are up-to-date in knowledge and best practices in order to change practice and mold clinical pathways.
  3. Transform healthcare by sharing newest information from an expert of pressing clinical issues. 

Series Target Audience:
Emergency Medicine Faculty, Emergency Medicine Residents, Medical Students, and Emergency Medicine Advanced Practice Providers.

Series Contacts:
Administrative Coordinator: Kerri Pellegrino, [email protected]
Planning Committee Chair: Cami Pfennig, MD.


Series location: 
701 Grove Road
Greenville, SC 29605
United States