Series date:
07/01/2022 - 6:00am EDT to 06/30/2023 - 5:00pm EDT
Series Objectives:
- Bring residents, students, and faculty together in a collegial environment to learn about hot topics in Emergency Medicine with updates in diagnosis, treatment, and medical research.
- Improve healthcare and patient outcomes by assuring Emergency Medical providers are up-to-date in knowledge and best practices in order to change practice and mold clinical pathways.
- Transform healthcare by sharing newest information from an expert of pressing clinical issues.
Series Target Audience:
Emergency Medicine Faculty, Emergency Medicine Residents, Medical Students, and Emergency Medicine Advanced Practice Providers.
Series Contacts:
Administrative Coordinator: Kerri Pellegrino, [email protected]
Planning Committee Chair: Cami Pfennig, MD.
Series location:
701 Grove Road
Greenville, SC
United States
See map: Google Maps