Please Note- Live "In-Person" CEP Classes Returning in 2021

Each Department and Training Site will have different provisions, attendance limits, and masking guidelines related to COVID-19.

Be prepared to furnish your own mask when attending class. 




Infectious Diseases
  • Describe drug resistant infections
  • State how the transmission of viruses (COVID-19, Influenza, Chicken Pox, HIV, etc.) occurs
  • Investigate the role of the EMS provider in disease reporting
  • Compare an epidemic and pandemic
  • Assess the differences between sepsis and septic shock


  • Identify proper hand washing technique
  • Identify appropriate use of alcohol-based hand cleaner
  • Discuss the CDC’s recommendations of vaccines for healthcare providers
  • Assess eye safety indications and measures

Evidence Based Guidelines

  • Define evidenced based medicine and practice
  • Identify resources available through NASEMSO to aid states and agencies in developing evidence based guidelines
  • Explain the benefits of EBG to patients

Field Triage

  • Relate MUCCs impact on the development of the CDC Field Triage Decision Scheme and SALT
  • Analyze the triage methods for
    • SALT
    • JumpSTART

    PDF icon April 2021 Calendar
