   • Identify proper hand washing technique 
   • Identify appropriate use of alcohol-based hand cleaner 
   • Discuss the CDC’s recommendations of vaccines for healthcare providers 
   • Assess eye safety indications and measures 
   Culture of safety 
   • Define culture of safety 
   • Identify and explain the six core elements necessary to advance an EMS Culture of Safety 
   • Identify the role of the EMS providers in establishing a culture of safety within EMS organizations 
   Evidence Based Guidelines 
   • Define evidenced based medicine and practice 
   • Identify resources available through NASEMSO to aid states and agencies in developing evidence based guidelines 
   • Explain the benefits of EBG to patients 
   Field Triage 
   • Relate MUCCs impact on the development of the CDC Field Triage Decision Scheme and SALT 
   • Analyze the triage methods for 
   o SALT 
   o START 
   o JumpSTART
Session date: 
04/10/2019 - 9:00am to 11:00am EDT
Glassy Mountain Fire Department
2015 SC-11
Landrum, SC 29356
United States
  • 1.00 Attendance

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