Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA) Simulation Workshops 2023-24

Greenville, SC US

Have participants experience a number of crisis events, reflecting on both the clinical steps necessary to address these scenarios while also considering the teamwork and communication skills need to effectively take care of a patient in such situations.  Scenarios utilized include an operating room fire, massive hemorrhage, malignant hyperthermia, an anaphylactic reaction, intraoperative cardiac arrest, local anesthetic system toxicity and two difficult airway events.

Contacts:Director: April Brown, RN MSN (864) 455-2203Planning Committee Chair:  Rob Morgan, MD

Target Audience

  • Anesthesiologists

Learning Objectives

 These activities met the following ASA  Simulation Education Network objectives:

  1. Management of significant hemodynamic instability.
  2. Management of significant hypoxemia from any cause, , including difficult airway management
  3. Principles and practice of teamwork and communication

Additional Information

Competencies this activity addresses: 
Apply quality improvement
Medical knowledge
Patient care and procedural skills
Practice-based learning and improvement
Systems-based practice
Course summary
Registration opens: 
Claim credit by: 
Prisma Health-Upstate Simulation Center
607 Grove Road
Greenville, SC 29605
United States
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