The program is aimed at physicians who are serving in a leadership role or who aspire to such a role
(e.g., Division Chief, Practice Chief, Clinic Director, Program Director, Vice Chair). Program size is limited
to 20 participants to ensure that the degree of interaction, practice, feedback and individualized
attention fosters lasting growth.
The program is an intensive 10-month focus on development of core, evidence-based characteristics,
skills, and abilities associated with successful leadership regardless of setting. The emphasis is on honest
self-examination and commitment to individual development. The format is interactive, applied, and
practice-based, with ongoing provision of feedback from the instructors and the other participants.
Although new topics are introduced each session, previous topics and skills are interwoven in an
iterative process to build upon prior knowledge and initial skill building. Between-session prompts, and
a longitudinal project, help ensure lasting development.
Benefits -- Participants will receive:
1) Creation of relationships with other physician leaders throughout the health system
2) A personal strategy to identify strengths and avoid pitfalls for more effective leadership
3) A copy of the book Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, by Greg McKeown and Liz Wiseman
4) A binder containing original written materials and resources
5) Light breakfast and coffee during sessions
6) A certificate of completion suitable for framing
Series Contacts:
Planning Committee Chair: Robert Best, PhD, [email protected]