


Patient Assessment

  • Explain how the different causes and presentations of emergencies will affect how EMTs perform each step of the patient assessment process.
  • Identify the components of the patient assessment process. 
  • Describe how to determine the mechanism of injury (MOI) or nature of illness (NOI) at an emergency and the importance of differentiating trauma patients from medical patients.
  • Explain the process for determining the priority of patient care and transport at an emergency scene and include examples of conditions that necessitate immediate transport.
  • Discuss the process of taking a focused history, its key components, and its relationship to the primary assessment process.
  • Explain the importance of performing a reassessment of the patient and the steps in this process.
EMT Wellness & Safety 
  • Steps that contribute to wellness and their importance in managing stress
  • Define disease and communicable disease
  • Routes of disease transmission
  • Standard precautions in treating patient to prevent infection
  • Steps to take for personal protection from airborne / blood borne diseases
  • Proper handwashing
  • Know physiologic, physical, and psychological responses to stress   

Firefighter Down CPR

  • Discuss the Physical Stress of Firefighting
  • Risks of Sudden Cardiac Arrest During Firefighting Activities
  • Discuss the FD-CPR 10 Step Process
    • Gear removal
    • Continuous CPR


    • If you are sick or feel ill, please do not attend any live in-person CEP session.
    • Attendance limit of 12 people. 
    • Masks will not be required, only if proper social distancing can be maintained
    • Temperature checks will be performed at the door.
    Session date: 
    01/20/2021 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm EST
    Glassy Mountain Fire Department
    2015 SC-11
    Landrum, SC
    United States
    • 2.00 Attendance

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